A TraumaWise Advocate has an awesome role!
The TraumaWise Advocate’s main role is to journey alongside caregivers (of any type) who have received Trauma-Informed and/or TBRI® caregiving training and practically support the caregiver's implementation of Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based practices within their specific context.
This is accomplished by the Advocate through:
- Objective Observation/ Assessment/ Feedback,
- Mutual problem solving of obstacles to Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based implementation,
- Review of Trauma-Informed and TBRI® Caregiver Training Materials
- Co-processing Trauma-Informed and TBRI® Caregiver Training worksheets,
- Goal Setting and Prioritization,
- Leading Trauma-Informed and TBRI® Skills Labs offered through the partnering agencies or Collaboratives,
- Encouragement,
- Emotional, Moral, and/or Spiritual Support
- Communication with others involved in child’s care about what Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based practices are and why their involvement is important.
- Maintaining awareness of TBRI® and Trauma-Informed Educational Resources/ Diseminable Materials so all caregivers understand
- Participation in educational/extracurricular team meetings (such as IEP meetings) as an Advocate to provide a Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based lens.
- Resource acquisition (i.e. obtaining a sensory kit, calming activities, connection-enhancing games or crafts, basic Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based video links for other people who interact with the child).
- Leading non-clinical community-based discussion groups for multiple caregivers that maintain fidelity to the Trauma-Informed and TBRI®-based model within a relational lens, such as discussion groups using What Happened to You?, The Connected Parent or The Connected Child.
- Relational connection and regular communication that links the caregiver into the entire system of care available within their local Trauma-Informed Community and/or TBRI® Collaborative.
The TBRI Advocate Program is a specific, closed pilot program for the TBRI Collaborative in California. It is offered through partnership with the KPICD (Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development).
The TraumaWise Advocate Program is available worldwide and is not part of the partnership between TraumaWise and the KPICD.
The prices of the programs are different because the infrastructure of the CA TBRI Collaborative is largely in place, but the need for additional scaffolding for TraumaWise Advocates will require more support, time, and resources as community is built.
Advocates are not licensed or allowed to teach or present TraumaWise Educational materials or the TBRI Caregiver Package. Only TraumaWise Activators, Trainers, and Facilitators can present TraumaWise Educational materials. Only TBRI Practitioners and partners of the KPICD are allowed to present the TBRI Caregiver Package.
This program does not provide that qualification or right.